Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thoughts on Hillary C.

Well it looks like Hillary won the Pennsylvania primary. That is disappointing. I don’t know which party I am or whom I’m voting for, but I do know that I DO NOT want Hillary in the office. Everything about her irritates me. I don’t like her in debates, in interviews, or giving speeches. She seems fake to me, and like she is willing to do anything to be the president. And that scares me. I don’t like the way she debates, the way she laughs, and the way she brushed off the fact that she lied. She is no good, I’m telling you. Usually my family and friends affect my attitude towards politicians, because I just assume they know more than I do, but they don’t in this case. Many members of my family like Hillary, but that doesn’t make me like her. Whenever I see her on TV all I can see is the thirst for power in her eyes. She is no good.
When I first found out that Hillary Clinton was running for president, I just figured I would vote for her because she is a woman. Now, I absolutely cannot stand her. And if I know one thing for sure, it’s that I do not want her to be president.

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