Friday, April 11, 2008

Minnesota Delegate

Being a Minnesota Delegate is not that exciting. As a part of the Hennepin County Republican Party I was called to convene at the Medina Entertainment Center last February 23rd to consider the endorsement of candidates for Commissioner Districts 5,6, and 7.
So I woke up early, yes 8:00 a.m. is early to me, and went to the convention. When I arrived, I had to stand outside in a line of about a hundred people. The line stretched through the packed parking lot and I have never seen so many Republican bumper stickers. It took about 30 minutes to finally get inside the building. I remember the man behind me said, “It takes less time that this to join the army.” That made me laugh.
When I got in, I paid my $8.00 registration fee and then I was sent to another line. The main room was packed. I some how squeezed my way into another line where I stood for another 10 minutes. When I finally got to the front of the line, I was told that I was not on the list and that I have to go back to the registration table. So I went found my way into another line and they finally found me on the list. After that I went back into the crowded room and stood in line again. This time I got a nametag and I was sent to the section of tables with yellow balloons (section 5, District 63). As I was finding my seat, we sang the national anthem.
Then a woman got up on stage and went over the delegate count according to the each district. This was like, as she said, listening to someone read from the telephone book. After she was done a man got up on stage and had everyone who were delegates for the first time raise their hand. To me it looked like almost everyone raised their hand. I was surprised.
Then a man named Randy Johnson got up on stage and talked for a while. I guess he was the guy we were going to be voting for. Someone nominated him, and another person seconded the nomination. Then we all voted. There was a motion, and those who endorsed him said I, and those who opposed said Nay. Everyone said I, except one person yelled out Nay, I think as a joke. Randy thanked everyone and then talked about supporting McCain for president.
After that, my section was aloud to leave. So I did. I suppose it was a good experience, but honesty I don’t even know what I voted for. I don’t even know what position Randy Johnson will now be in. I think he is District 5’s new commissioner, but I’m not even sure. I would do some research, but I don’t care that much I guess.
To be honest, I thought being a delegate had more to do with the presidential election, but that’s not until the national convention, which I won’t be able to make anyways. Oh well, it’s fun to say that I am a Minnesota Delegate.

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