Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My letter to Bill C.

My first experience with politics was in the first grade. It was just after the 1997 presidential election and Bill Clinton was out new president.
After learning about each presidential candidate and a few political vocabulary words, my teacher had us write to President Clinton. The letter I wrote was sent, but I did happen to come across the first draft, or the “sloppy copy” as my teacher would call it. The letter goes as follows.
(I was in 1st grade, so yes, there are typos and misspellings)
November 6th 1996
Dear President C.
I hope you are happy being prssident. Did you no I voted for you? I am glad you won the election.
Your freind Anna
About two months later “Bill” wrote me back. His letter goes as follows.
Dear Friend,
Thank you for writing to me. I’m pleased to hear that you are excited about our country. Today our economy is stronger, our streets are safer, out environment is cleaner, the world is more secure, and our nation is more united. We’ve made remarkable progress, but still much remains to be done. I will continue to do all that I can to make our country stronger, but I cannot do it alone. You must do your part, too. Together we can make a difference as we prepare for the twenty-first century.
Sincerely, Bill Clinton

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