Saturday, April 19, 2008

Family Election

Last December when my entire family was at my grandparents for Christmas, we decided to have our own presidential election. This was when my inner politician first came out and I was interested in everything. So I got online and printed off information sheets on each presidential candidate. I passed them around to my family and we all had time to debate and discuss who would be a better president. We made a ballot box and ballots to pass around. We had two rounds of voting. First we chose a democrat and a republican. The two finalists were Obama and McCain. Then we handed out scraps of paper for everyone to write either Obama or McCain. On this particular day, I was feeling like a democrat so I voted for Obama. Then my cousin and I went into an empty room and counted the votes. Surprisingly, it was extremely close. If it were up to my family, McCain would be the next president. The final tally was Obama: 9 and McCain: 11. (We were missing one vote because my brother didn’t take the election seriously and he voted for President Palmer from 24.)

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