Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last Post

Well this is the last of my posts. And I think I pretty much know who I will be voting for. But it all depends on which democrat gets the nomination.

If it’s Clinton vs. McCain, I will vote McCain

If it’s Obama vs. McCain, I will vote Obama

I know it doesn’t make any sense, but that is just how it is. I don’t know who I want for president, but I know who I don’t want, and that’s Hillary Clinton. I wish Michelle or Cindy were running, I would vote for them. But they will also both be great first ladies.

The election is still 6 months away and that’s half a year. So I still have time to figure things out. And I will probably changes my mind about a thousand more times before then, but for now, I’ll just keep learning about the candidates and vote for whoever my heart tells me to vote for. (as cheesy as that sounds.)

May the best man win, and not the only woman ☺

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