Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why does Iowa get the first say?

I belong to a very political involved family. During family gatherings, there is usually political talk, and it’s during these talks that I either space out or leave the room. But, this last Christmas, for some reason, I stuck it out. And the first thing that intrigued my inner politician was the Iowa caucus. I was extremely upset that their state was the first to caucus. I didn’t understand why Iowa got the first say. And from then on, things got interesting.

I started asking more questions about more things. Like what on earth is a caucus? Who are the candidates running? And the big one, who should I vote for? I was sucked in. I had sucked myself into politics. My excuse for never knowing anything about politics was that it was corrupt, stupid, and a waste of my time. But that idea was quickly taken over by my curiosity.

I started doing some of my own research. And this led to more questions. What is universal health care? What is stem-cell research? What is line-item veto? I felt like the more I knew, the more I didn’t know. How can everything be so this or that? Why is everything either right or wrong? Isn’t there a middle ground? I felt like it had to be 100% agree or 100% disagree, but what about the 100% I really just don’t know?